▌短片作品介紹 #001 ▌ 回家的路

Way Back Home

★ 2018 日本福岡獨立電影節 招待上映作品
★ 青春有影 - 2017大學盃 百大精選作品
★ 2017 福爾摩沙國際電影節 Formosa Festival of International Filmmaker Awards -WOFFF評審團大獎 (WOFFF Award of Grand Jury Board) 評審提名最佳劇情片、最佳導演、最佳編劇、最佳男主角 (謝飛)
★ 2nd Best Short Fiction Award - Chennai International Short Film Festival 2017
★ 2016年 MOD微電影暨金片子創作大賽 校園組入圍
★ Figueira Film Art - Festival de Cinema da Figueira da Foz 2016 - Official Selection

Taiwan | 2016 | DCP | Colour | 18 min
監製:吳秀菁  |  主演:謝飛、丁予媗   |   編劇、導演:程堂榮


The brother and sister live far from the school located in Taipei. Their mother picks them up every day, so they never went back home by themselves before. One afternoon, they waited for their mother as usual. After a long waiting, their mother still didn’t appear, and her phone was not answered. The brother decided to go back home with his younger sister.

── 洪馬克 (《餘生》導演、福爾摩沙國際電影節主席 )

「在短短的回家路程當中,可以把愛情、家庭,還有再婚家長的小孩,描述的這麼簡單又深刻,是這個片子難得的地方。」── 柯孟融 (《絕命派對》導演 )
